UNITE Seminar Series

About the UNITE webinar series

BME UNITE is leading a seminar series designed to showcase current and future faculty candidates from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds in BME. Speakers will give 20-minute talks where they can showcase themselves and their work to BME department heads and current search committee members. Talks will be followed by an hour-long mentoring session between the speakers and BME department heads.

Webinar Schedule

Why should I sign up?

  1. Increased visibility to future employers
  2. Mentoring on the application & interview process
  3. Networking with future and current BME faculty

Am I eligible?

Selection will be prioritized for those with status in a group that is underrepresented in biomedical engineering faculty. Dates are prioritized based on timing for the job market.

Submission Form


Can I attend?

Yes! You can find the webinar links on the seminar schedule.